Zeitschriften / Magazines


Early Western Life Series
publisher / verlag: The Arthur Westbrook Company, Cleveland OH.
country / land USA
issue / ausgabe: #
years / zeitraum: 1927-1928
volumes / bände: 16 (1-16 {hkn})
authors / verfasser: various / verschiedene
genre: Western, Dime novel
notes / notizen: Neudrucke älterer Dime Novels

001 Montana Charley Three-Fingered Jack 1927
002 Texas Pat Pirates of the Prairies 1927
003 Montana Charley Death Legaue of the Desert 1927
004 Texas Pat White Falcon, the Renegade 1927
005 Montana Charley Trail of Gold 1927
006 Texas Pat The Black Hill Riders 1927
007 Montana Charley The Red Hawk's Nest 1927
008 Dakota Dan In The Valley of Shadows 1927
009 Texas Pat Kid (Forest) Kerley 1928
010 Montana Charley The White Rider 1928
011 Montana Charley King Congo from Texas or The Lagoon of Black Swamp 1928
012 Texas Pat Trappers from Red River 1928
013 Texas Pat Vigilantes of '49 or the Secret Avengers 1928
014 Montana Charley The Ghost of Death Canyon 1928
015 Texas Pat The Pony Express Rider 1928
016 Montana Charley The Silent Rifleman 1928
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